Temporal branches of the facial nerve

Nerve: Temporal branches of the facial nerve
Plan of the facial and intermediate nerves and their communication with other nerves. (Labeled at center bottom, sixth from bottom, as "Temporal".)
The nerves of the scalp, face, and side of neck. (Temporal labeled at center, between eye and ear.)
Latin rami temporales nervi facialis
Gray's subject #202 905
From facial nerve

The temporal branches of the facial nerve, also known as the frontal branch of the facial nerve, crosses the zygomatic arch to the temporal region, supplying the auriculares anterior and superior, and joining with the zygomaticotemporal branch of the maxillary, and with the auriculotemporal branch of the mandibular.

The more anterior branches supply the frontalis, the orbicularis oculi, and corrugator supercilii, and join the supraorbital and lacrimal branches of the ophthalmic. The temporal branch acts as the efferent limb of the corneal reflex.

Testing the temporal branches of the facial nerve

To test the function of the temporal branches of the facial nerve, a patient is asked to frown and wrinkle his or her forehead.

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This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained within it may be outdated.